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Hello Guy,

So the buckaroo boots arrived yesterday...couldn’t wait anymore :-)))
So thanks for the good service...
the boots are amazing...
So maybe you have a cheat how to get the boots on...the size fits but i have problems with the ankle between the black and brown leather area...
I can’t put them wife tried but she couldn’t also put on the boots...but the size 8.5 fits...maybe you have an idea or cheat :-)))


Chris, Neubiberg, Germany
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Justin 4116 Men's Classic Roper Boot with Bay Apache Cowhide Foot and a Roper Toe

SKU: 4116
Justin Men's Classic Roper boot in Bay Apache Cowhide Foot and 10 Inch Bay Apache Cowhide Top featuring J-Flex Flexible Comfort Insole System for all day comfort. This boot also features a Roper Toe with Roper Heel and Leather Outsole for long wear. Roper styling from Justin Boots the creator of the Roper Boot. Justin Boot Company, makers of fine quality western boots and shoes since 1879. Get your boots from Lonestar boots where the owner has over 25 years of boot experience and is willing to get you the best price possible.
List Price: $223.00
Price: $219.96
You Save: $3.04 (1%)
Justin 4116 Men's Classic Roper Boot with Bay Apache Cowhide Foot and a Roper Toe
Justin 4116 Men's Classic Roper Boot with Bay Apache Cowhide Foot and a Roper Toe
Justin Men's Classic Roper Boot with Bay Apache Cowhide Foot and 10 Inch Bay Apache Cowhide Top featuring J-Flex Flexible Comfort Insole System for all day comfort.